Sites we like

In a crowded field, we think the following sites stand out…


Catch 21 – Charitable Production Company made by young people

Cloak and Swagger – Inspirational Blog

Heresy Corner – Campaigning against orthodoxy

Iain Dale’s Diary

Intern’s Anonymous – a forum for interns to share their experiences and discuss the ethics of unpaid employment

CT Group - a global consultancy that provides social research, corporate strategy and political polling services to its clients.

John Spence’s blog – Words from a Vibe veteran…

Kate Suttle’s blog – our former Sub-Editor flies the nest to cover French politics

Miserable Old Fart – the personal musings of Alwyn Ap Huw

Political Reboot – lucid political expositions from Eddy Anderson

Political Scrapbook – prominent left-wing news & gossip blog.

Power 2010 – Campaign for democratic reform

TalkCarswell – Douglas Carswell MPs Blog

The Groucho Tendency – non-partisan political blog seeking to bring balance to current affairs.

Tom Hewitson’s blog – The creator speaks…

UK Youth Parliament – enabling young people to use their energy and passion to change the world for the better

Unlock Democracy – Campaign for a more open democracy

Wikio News – provides monthly rankings for the most influential UK & Irish blogs

Mark Wadsworth – The revolution will be self financing

Top 10 Non-aligned Blog | TotalPolitics Blog Awards 2010